A certain UK landlord is currently displeased with Nigerian footballer, Joseph Yobo for mismanaging the pent house he leased to him.
“He was totally horrified after he walked into the South Ferry Quay penthouse he rented to Super Eagles defender and Everton FC star, Joseph Yobo, to be confronted with a total mess; there were burnt marks on the carpet, a dirty kitchen and bathroom, and holes in the wall left from a flat screen television. “ Dailymail reports.
Yobo who recently moved into a multimillion Naira home in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria however says he has never lived in the apartment and that his younger brother Gideon paid for the rent;
“It’s my name on the lease, but I never lived in the flat and I’ve never even been there. The landlord doesn’t know me and he hasn’t spoken to Gideon about this. I have property too and the landlord should have gone to the letting agents if he was unhappy. If he puts in a full inventory, Gideon is ready to pay for anything that is damaged’ he said.
“It’s my name on the lease, but I never lived in the flat and I’ve never even been there. The landlord doesn’t know me and he hasn’t spoken to Gideon about this. I have property too and the landlord should have gone to the letting agents if he was unhappy. If he puts in a full inventory, Gideon is ready to pay for anything that is damaged’ he said.
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